Former Acting A.G. Jeffrey Rosen May Be Trump's John Dean

Rosen met with the DOJ Inspector General on Friday, and the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday.

Keep an eye on any story mentioning Jeffrey Rosen. Trust me. The New York Times has a blockbuster story about Trump's former Acting Attorney General, Jeffrey Rosen, and if it is even partially true, we could be looking at the next John Dean.

John Dean served as White House Counsel for President Nixon. He participated in the cover-up of the Watergate scandal and testified to Congress as a witness. In exchange for his willing testimony, he was given a reduced sentence.

Rosen has emerged as a key witness in the coup attempt by Donald Trump and his minions to overthrow the legitimate election of 2020 in an effort to retain power through illegal means. In fact, he and Richard P. Donoghue may be the TWO BEST WITNESSES, as they both were in the room and on email chains that included direct attempts to subvert the will of the voters. Hell, Donoghue actually has notes to prove it, and there are emails!

Last week, news broke about the notes Donoghue kept, as well as a ridiculous draft letter that Jeffrey Clark (a Trump stooge with hopes of replacing Rosen) circulated in an attempt to get Rosen to sign onto, that basically said the election was corrupt, and that states would need to look into irregularities. Obviously, Rosen never signed on, and the letter never got sent.

Once news of both stories broke, pressure was on Rosen and Donoghue. Biden released all witnesses from any claim of executive privilege, so any former cabinet member might be brought before Congress to testify, and may freely talk about...anything. It appears that is what is happening with Rosen. It's unlikely that he was already subpoenaed, so these meetings may be of his own volition.

The New York Times reports that Rosen met with the DOJ Office of the Inspector General on Friday, and the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday for a closed door meeting. He "told the Justice Department watchdog and congressional investigators that one of his deputies tried to help former President Donald J. Trump subvert the results of the 2020 election, according to a person familiar with the interviews."

That deputy is Jeffrey Clark, scumbag extraordinaire, and probably future federal prison inmate. Clark used to be the acting head of the DOJ civil division and was planted in the DOJ by Trump, probably to do nothing regarding civil rights, but rather to be a mole working for Trump directly.

The New York Times had some pretty damning information about the details to which Rosen testified. He apparently "told investigators from the inspector general’s office about five encounters with Mr. Clark, including one in late December during which his deputy admitted to meeting with Mr. Trump and pledged that he would not do so again, according to a person familiar with the interview."

He also "described subsequent exchanges with Mr. Clark, who continued to press colleagues to make statements about the election that they found to be untrue, according to a person familiar with the interview. He also discovered that Mr. Clark had been engaging in unauthorized conversations with Mr. Trump about ways to have the Justice Department publicly cast doubt on President Biden’s victory, particularly in battleground states that Mr. Trump was fixated on, like Georgia."

Yikes. And, of course, Clark drafted that letter for Rosen to sign that basically said the election was corrupt, and that Georgia should void Joe Biden's victory. (Remember, it would not have made a difference if Georgia went to Trump...Biden had enough electoral college votes already.)

Following the closed-door testimony, Senator Blumenthal stated that Rosen "discussed previously reported incidents, including his interactions with Mr. Clark, with the Senate Judiciary Committee. He called Mr. Rosen’s account 'dramatic evidence of how intent Trump was in overthrowing the election.'" Additionally, Senator Blumenthal said that Rosen "presented new facts and evidence that led him to believe that the committee would need to answer 'profound and important questions' about the roles that individuals in Mr. Trump’s orbit played in the effort to undermine the peaceful transition of power."

Although it is unclear if what Clark did actually constitutes a crime, the OIG could make a finding as to whether his behavior and actions "crossed the line into potentially criminal behavior. In that case, the inspector general could refer the matter to federal prosecutors."

Keep an eye on this story. Jeffrey Rosen may not be a household name, but he could be one of the most important people in the story of the failed coup by Donald Trump. He also appears to be one of the few people that were willing to stand up for democracy and the rule of the law in the face of an authoritarian trying to keep his grip on the country through any means necessary, legal and illegal. The guardrails ALMOST failed. Rosen and Donoghue appear to be two of the people that *literally* saved America from drifting into authoritarian rule.

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