Ohio Senate Candidate Rages About 'Unconstitutional' Postal Service

Josh Mandel idiotically claims the Post Office is unconstitutional. Good lord. Clearly he has never read the actual Constitution.

Because all Republicans know how to do is appeal to anger and fear, Josh Mandel is trying to get elected as Ohio's senator by appealing to both.

First he drums up fear:

“In this country right now, we’re in a fight."

With whom? Over what?

"We’re in a fight against the radical left, who are trying to take away our guns."

Oh. Is that all?

"We’re in a fight against the secular left, which is trying to take God out of all aspects in our life."

Is that right? Tell those concealed-carry gun-lickers how you feel!

"My feeling is we shouldn’t be watering down our Judeo-Christian values; we should be doubling down on those Judeo-Christian values and instilling God in all aspects of the classroom, of work, and of society.”

How do you feel about the First Amendment, Josh Mandel?

“When I get to Washington, I’m going to make decisions with two documents in hand. With the Bible in one hand and the Constitution in the other.”


How much does Mandel understand about the Constitution? A woman in the audience complained about the Post Office, and he raged that the USPS was itself unconstitutional!

"[T}his is what I’m going to do when I get to Washington: I’m going to post on the wall of my office the United States Constitution, and right next to it, I’m going to post an organizational chart of the federal government. And for every agency, sub-agency, bureau, department—all these departments we’ve never even heard of in the bowels of the federal government—I’m going to work with people like [Sen.] Rand Paul and [Reps.] Thomas Massie and Jim Jordan and others to try to eliminate all these departments that are never called for in the Constitution.”

Except...the Constitution allows Congress specifically to establish a post office.

If this is how well Mandel understands the Constitution, I'm guessing he doesn't have a solid grasp on those "Judeo-Christian values" he claims to hold so dear, either, let alone the actual Bible. Should we ask him to release his Sunday School grades?

The GOP should just come out as the party of anarchy and be done with it.

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