Paul Ryan Breaks It To Wisconsin Republicans: Trump Lost

The Wisconsin state legislature is pursuing one of those fake "forensic audits" of the 2020 election.

Former House Speaker and irrelevant to today's news Paul Ryan, who is still on the board of Fox News Corporation, decided to appear on local news in Wisconsin to break it to the state legislature that Trump lost the 2020 election.

“President Trump lost the election. Joe Biden won the election,” Ryan said in an interview with WISN 12 News.

“It was not rigged. It was not stolen. Donald Trump lost the election. Joe Biden won the election. It’s really clear.”

Ryan was clearly trying to break it to the state Republicans now pushing for a, you know, FORENSIC AUDIT of the Wisconsin results.

“He exhausted his cases,” Ryan said. “He exhausted the court challenges. None of them went his way, so he legitimately lost. Is there mischief, organized shenanigans in elections? Sure. Is there fraud? Yes. Was it organized to the extent that it would have swung the Electoral College and the presidential election? Absolutely not.”

Ryan went on to talk about how great life is now that he's not running for anything.

Sure, Paul.

Also yadda yadda let's bring YOUNG PEOPLE into the Republican Party now!

It's not like Biden has been president since January? Profiles in courage, Paul Ryan.

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