It's Not Violating Press Freedom To Sanction Fox For Lies

Right-wing misinformation is now killing people and tearing our country apart. Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox News pundits spread their poison nightly. The US needs to take action, like Australia and the United Kingdom. The FCC must sanction broadcasts that spew misinformation and even take the network off the air if it doesn't comply. There must be consequences.

Right-wing misinformation is now killing people and tearing our country apart. Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox News pundits spread their poison nightly. The US needs to take action, like Australia and the United Kingdom. The FCC must sanction broadcasts that spew misinformation and even take the network off the air if it doesn't comply. There must be consequences for Fox News.

The UK's oversight of Fox News in 2017---not giving the Murdoch-owned network free rein to lie and spew misinformation---led to lower ratings for the network. In 2017 Ofcom (agency similar to USA's FCC) ruled that two of Tucker Carlson's broadcasts were in breach of Ofcom rules over impartiality. The UK agency noted that Fox News was a United States news organization but Ofcom noted:

"However, we were also mindful that, in our view, this particular programme dealt with major matters relating to current public policy that, as well as being of international significance, were of particular relevance and significance to UK viewers."

An Ofcom report in June concluded that the transaction "raises public interest concerns as a result of the risk of increased influence by members of the Murdoch Family Trust over the UK news agenda and the political process, with its unique presence on radio, television, in print and online."

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