California Voters: This Is Who Larry Elder Is

California recall candidate Larry Elder defended the murder of Trayvon Martin back in 2013, and told CNN's Piers Morgan he'd be happy to have George Zimerman living in his neighborhood.

California recall candidate Larry Elder defended the murder of Trayvon Martin back in 2013, and told CNN's Piers Morgan he'd be happy to have George Zimerman living in his neighborhood.

This guy has always been a dangerous, flame throwing carnival barker who will say anything if it earns him some creds with the racist Republican base and his right wing whackaloon listeners.

Elder has been called the Black face of white supremacy, and the clip above is just one example of why that description rings true.

Here's Elder heaven forbid making Piers Morgan sound reasonable after just telling him that racism isn't a problem in America any more:

MORGAN: Let me just get back to the question I asked you and see if you can actually answer the question.

ELDER: Sure.

MORGAN: Do you think that Rachel Jeantel is stupid?

ELDER: I think that I would rather have a George Zimmerman living in my neighborhood and maybe if George Zimmerman was living my neighborhood we'd have a few fewer Ariel Castros. I thought we wanted people to be proactive.


MORGAN: OK. If I could jump in again. So just to clarify.

ELDER: Sure.

MORGAN: Trayvon Martin wasn't committing crimes in that neighborhood, was he?

ELDER: It was an unfortunate incident. Two people have preconceived notions about each other. It never should have happened. It doesn't make George Zimmerman a criminal. I used to work in the D.A.'s office, Piers. I'm telling you it was a dog case, a reasonable doubt case. Nobody I know would have filed the case.

MORGAN: Yes. We disagree obviously about that.

ELDER: Obviously.

MORGAN: I think it's completely wrong that George Zimmerman should get no punish at all for killing an unarmed teenager.

ELDER: He's got serious punishment -- he can't go anywhere.

MORGAN: If I can, though --

ELDER: Are you kidding me? He's a marked man. He's going to be sued civilly. He will never have a moment of peace. He killed somebody. Morally he's got to deal with that, Piers. He recognizes that. He's not --

MORGAN: Well --

ELDER: He's not a thief. He recognizes what he did.

MORGAN: Larry, if I may respond. If I may respond.

ELDER: Sure.

MORGAN: You know, some people would say that he's got it easy compared to Trayvon Martin who he killed. So as much people feel sorry for George Zimmerman not being able to live the life perhaps he wish he could, at least he can lead --


ELDER: Piers, wouldn't it --

MORGAN: At least he can lead a life.

ELDER: -- be nice to have had a George Zimmerman in your neighborhood.

MORGAN: At least he can lead a life.

ELDER: Wouldn't it be nice to have a George Zimmerman in Cleveland and maybe Ariel Castro --

MORGAN: I don't want George Zimmerman doing my neighborhood watch patrol, no, I don't. I don't. I've got three teenage sons, Larry. I don't feel comfortable having somebody like George Zimmerman marching around as some wannabe vigilante armed with a gun --

ELDER: No, you live in a -- you live in a wealthy area, a gated community.

If anyone is still on the fence…Larry Elder hasn’t changed. This is who he always was and still is.

If you live in California, don't forget to get out and vote tomorrow if you haven't voted already. NO on the Recall, and leave question 2 BLANK.

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