Dan Patrick, Texas Race Baiter, Says Dems Out To 'Take Over Nation'

He also Pushes The Klan/Nazi "Great Replacement Theory," on Laura Ingraham's White Power Hour, of course

Oh noes! Did you hear? The "Democrat Party" (yeah) has plans to... gasp... TAKE OVER!

Dan Patrick, the crooked Attorney General Lieutenant Governor of Texas (of course) told Laura Ingraham (double of course) that the Party of that evil man Biden plans to use BROWN PEOPLE to replace "real" Americans in the electorate!!!

"Let me tell you something, Laura, and everyone watching. The revolution has begun. A silent revolution by the Democrat Party and Joe Biden to take over this country," said Patrick.

This is why they must stop brown people from voting. To protect the real America!

I WISH I was making that up.

Patrick went on to suggest that immigrants and refugees who are coming to this country today with two or three children will vote out of gratitude for Democrats, and then "our country" will be lost!

Yes, yes he is.

As Jeff Fecke said on Twitter, "Great Replacement Theory isn't true, and that's too bad, because I'd much rather live in a country that was full of the children of Haitian immigrants than a country that was full of Dan Patricks."

A previous draft of this post confused Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick with indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton. We regret the error.

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