N.C. Hospital System Fires About 175 Workers Due To Vaccine Mandate
Just 175 of Novant's 35,000 hospital workers failed to comply with the mandatory vaccine order.
A spokesperson for Novant said that more than 99% of employees are now vaccinated and that they are "thrilled" with those numbers. That's how it's done, folks. For all the blather and the media attention these horrible anti-vaxxers get, when push comes to shove very few of them will not get vaccinated if mandated by their employer to do so.
Source: Washington Post
A North Carolina-based hospital system announced Monday that roughly 175 unvaccinated employees were fired for failing to comply with the organization’s mandatory coronavirus vaccination policy, the latest in a series of health-care dismissals over coronavirus immunization.
Novant Health said last week that 375 unvaccinated workers — across 15 hospitals and 800 clinics — had been suspended for not getting immunized. Unvaccinated employees were given five days to comply.
Novant Health spokeswoman Megan Rivers tweeted Monday that almost 200 of the suspended workers, including those who had submitted approved exemptions, received their first dose by Friday. The hospital confirmed that the rest of the suspended employees who did not comply were fired, although the exact number of those dismissed was not specified.
N.C. hospital system fires about 175 workers in one of the largest-ever mass terminations due to a vaccine mandate https://t.co/DZ7KILFvtR
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 28, 2021
About 175 employees @NovantHealth have been fired for non-compliance with the #Covid19 vaccine mandate. Putting this in perspective, that's 0.5% of 35,000 total employees. https://t.co/iMyn8WTG1h
— Caroline Hudson (@CBJHudson) September 28, 2021
Thank you @CBJHudson for this. Yes, ~175 out of 35,000+ TMs across 15 hospitals & 800 clinics. We are thrilled vast majority of team members gave @NovantHealth patients and visitors, as well as our team members, better protection regardless of where they are in our health system https://t.co/47dI3lixiB
— Megan Rivers (@MeganMRivers) September 28, 2021