OR HS Students Engaged In Virtual ‘Slave Trade’ Of Black Students

Oregon’s Newberg High School has banned Black Lives Matter and Pride symbols in its school as too divisive but its students were just caught engaging in a group chat “joke” that involved virtual slave trading of Black students.

KGW News reported Wednesday:

In an email to KGW News, the principal of Newberg High School, Tami Erion, said that Newberg High students took part in a Snapchat group chat, and used photos of students, along with racist and homophobic slurs. She said the chat originated in Michigan in late 2020, but the school's administration learned about it on Friday. She sent a letter to the school community about it on Tuesday.

Screenshots obtained by KGW News show pictures of the students, followed by a discussion around their price, and private details of their lives. Participants also commented, "All Blacks should die" and "Let's have another Holocaust."

That same night, the Newberg school board was set to discuss and possibly rescind its ban on BLM and Pride symbols. The Oregon ACLU has threatened to sue and the chairs of Oregon’s House and Senate Education Committees have also asked the school board to rescind the ban. But it tabled the issue instead.

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