Rachel Campos-Duffy Shouts Against Masks: 'Kids Don't Die Of Covid!'

Um, some DO, Rachel.

On the day SCOTUS stealth bombs Roe v. Wade, a spokespropagandist from "the party of pro-life" casually denies the deaths of children from Covid19.

Ten in Georgia, ages 10-17. Children's Hospital of Seattle saw its first Covid death this week.

And can we talk about maybe NOT wanting CHILDREN to get dangerously ILL? Is that a possible desirable outcome, Rachel Campos-Duffy?

"So if the vaccines — if the vaccines work why are you worried about children being unmasked?!" said the Fox host.

Biden's former staffer Kevin Walling replied: "I’m worried about kids under 12 that don’t have the vaccine, Rachel."

Rachel, A MOTHER OF NINE, snapped back: "But kids survive Covid. They don’t die from Covid."

That's some mother-of-the-year shite right there.

Dear Rachel Campos-Duffy: I sincerely hope your nanny doesn't have to deal with nine children with Covid at your house while you're doing your job barking disinformation to the Fox News Zombies for money.

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