Ted Nugent Loses Microphone To Man Shouting 'Black Lives Matter Too'

Ted Nugent was publicly called out by a Michigan man after the conservative rocker insulted "punks" who believe in the Black Lives Matter movement.

Ted Nugent Loses Microphone To Man Shouting 'Black Lives Matter Too'

Ted Nugent was publicly called out by a Michigan man after the conservative rocker insulted "punks" who believe in the Black Lives Matter movement.

WMMT reported that the confrontation came during a Republican-backed Constitution Day event in Centreville."

Aren't there any BLM punks who want to come up and harass me?" Nugent asked the crowd.

Within moments, Jalen Brown approached the stage to challenge the singer.

"What's wrong with Black lives Matter?" Brown demanded to know.

"Black Lives don't give a s**t about Black lives, they're standing by while Blacks are slaughtering each other," Nugent replied. "Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization!"

At that point, Brown took over the microphone.

"Black Lives Matter too! Black lives matter too!" he chanted.

Brown explained to the crowd that Black people had been mistreated throughout history, according to WMMT.

"We're not here by choice," he noted.

"We didn't bring you!" someone in the crowd yelled in response.

People chanted "USA" and "All Lives Matter" as Brown left the stage.

Brown later told WMMT that he was offended when Nugent called Black Lives Matter a terrorist organization.

“I love the Constitution, I love the rights it should stand for. There are people who are taking those and misconstruing them and taking them in a different direction than what it should be," Brown remarked.

Watch the video clip below.

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