Natasha Tiner, 35, RN And Anti-Vaxxer - Dead From COVID

Danesh (@thatdaneshguy) made Natasha Tiner his "Anti-Vaxxer of the day" and was about to report her social media disinformation campaign against COVID vaccination and get her fired. But she died.

These types of posts more or less just piss me off. Rather than gloating in the comments about just desserts and all that, perhaps just pass this on to someone who isn't vaccinated yet as another cautionary tale of a completely avoidable and unnecessary death by someone who should have been vaccinated. A nurse, of all people.

In the video above, seen on Twitter and TikTok, "Danesh" was about to report Registered Nurse Natasha Tiner on her social media disinformation campaign against COVID vaccination and get her fired. But before he could do that, she died.

Source: Sorryantivaxxer.com

According to this obituary, Natasha died on October 12, 2021. She leaves behind her husband and 4 school-aged children. She wasn't a wild-poster of anti-vaxx memes and information, but as you'll see we have evidence she was against the vaccine and particularly the mandates. Her husband however, was a wild-poster of anti-vaxx memes.

They then posted a bunch of Facebook posts, and stupid memes by her husband, including this idiotic one the day after as his wife passed away. Just stunning ignorance.

As always with these type of people, A GoFundMe page has been set up by her sister. Apparently, Natasha was the major breadwinner in the family.

My sister was diagnosed with covid on September 13th. Since then, she was hospitalized, and was in Carthage hospital for about a week and a half. During that time, she had other complications related to covid. We do not yet know the lasting effects of those complications.

Well, we do now.

And @thatdaneshguy's tweet.

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