Black Dem Chair Gets A Threat Of Lynching For Criticizing You-Know-Who

Iowa Democrats' first Black chairman wrote an op-ed criticizing Trump, and got death/lynching threats.

Spare me the "not all Republicans" crap.

I'm old enough to remember the Obama years.

Ross Wilburn is the first Black chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party. He wrote an op-ed criticizing you-know-who, and got voicemail death threats and one threat of lynching.

Wilburn has notified law enforcement, is demanding an investigation, and promising to press charges if the perps are found out.

He told the Des Moines Register: “What stood out this time was the language that was used — specifically, the very direct statement about lynching,” he said. “And I get angry about that — that people feel that they can come in and make you feel less than human, subhuman, with that type of reference to lynching. There's the history behind that and trying to intimidate Blacks, intimidate African Americans.”

He also described the voicemails. “The voicemails include very explicit language. Every other word was the ‘n-word,’” he said.

Republican officeholders across the state condemned the threats. But not you-know-who. I'm not holding my breath until Laura Ingraham talks about the White Nationalism problem in the GOP, either.

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