Blaire Erskine On Facebook's Outage

“We here at Facebook would just like to say, I thought you deleted Facebook,” said Blair in a snippy tone, just how you'd imagine Facebook would react to criticism.

This has not been the best week ever for Facebook, what with whistleblowers, continued media scrutiny, and yesterday's outage across their major platforms. So it's understandable they're all feeling a bit stressed these days.

Source: Daily Beast

Comedian Blaire Erskine, who is best known for making MAGA parody videos that are so good they enrage her fellow progressives, turned her attention to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp’s major outage on Monday. And she got it up just in time for the social networks to go back online so she could share it.

Posting as a spokesperson for the company, Erskine began with, “We here at Facebook would just like to say, I thought you deleted Facebook.”

Then, referring to the outcry over the whistleblower who appeared on 60 Minutes Sunday night, she added, “We just think it’s kind of funny that last night everybody was like #DeleteFacebook and then this morning they’re like #FacebookDown. You know, because which one is it? Did y’all already delete it or is it down? Because it can’t be down if you deleted it.”

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