Your 'F*** You' Fox News Clip Of The Day

Fox guest and "Eurotrash" author says poor Americans "don't know how rich they are."

Fear mongering and poor-shaming and trolling all in one clip? Thanks, Brian Kilmeade!

Kilmeade hosted David Harsanyi, author of a book with the not-at-all-trolling title "Eurotrash" to talk about how Europeans are so poor and Americans are so rich even the poor ones so don't touch MY stuff with taxation! (transcript via Media Matters)

BRIAN KILMEADE (HOST): 70% of Americans still believe that the poor can escape poverty if they work hard enough. Only 35% of Europeans think that. That's the American spirit.

DAVID HARSANYI (GUEST): Yeah, I agree. I mean, people don't realize how wealthy they are. I will give you a quick example, if Britain was a state, if we invaded Britain and made them a state, they'd be the second poorest state per capita in the United States after Mississippi. We are far more successful than European nations and I think the writers at the New York Times and elsewhere they don't realize that or they try to trick people into believing it's not true.

KILMEADE: We are also the kindest, most charitable state.

What was that, a hand job? The constant dissonance on Fox between "don't tax the rich, Americans have so much already and don't need SOCIALISM!!1!" and "OMG no one can afford to fill up their tanks anymore Biden's fault!!1!" All day long.

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