'Give The Dummies A Microphone' Day At US House Of Representatives
Did ALL the idiot backbencher Republicans have a moment at the microphone on Tuesday?
Apparently Tuesday was "Alright, we've got to give the backbenchers their turn at the mic" day for Kevin McCarthy.
And they all trodded up to the mic to say something that they hoped would get them a segment on Newsmax or Fox or OAN you know "doing their jobs."
And I get it -- being in the House minority is the lowest rank in Washington. The janitors in the Capitol Building have more self-determination on the job than minority backbenchers in the House. But that doesn't stop REPUBLICANS from using their time to promote just how stupid they are.
Above, as John Amato pointed out earlier today, Chip Roy whined about his inability to get ivermectin.
John also wrote about Madison Cawthorn repeating completely debunked lies about Anthony Fauci.
Representative Glenn Grothman, 66, never married, no kids, stood up to tell the families of America that stay-at-home moms solve their childcare problems. Really.
Here's Bob Good of Virginia, arguing that domestic violence is because we don't follow "traditional marriage."
And no round-up of Republican Congressional idiocy would be complete without a mention of Virginia Foxx, who told her colleagues Joe Biden is to blame for domestic violence while she voted no on the Violence Against Women Act.
Kevin McCarthy's best and brightest, ladies and gentlemen!