Kyrsten Sinema's Approval Rating Craters Among Democrats

Just 46% of Arizona Democrats now approve of her job performance, down 21 points.

Kyrsten Sinema's Approval Rating Craters Among Democrats

Krysten Sinema isn't up for re-election until 2024 but with numbers as dismal as these she might start thinking of another career. Or become a Republican, Kyrsten Sinema's week from hell just keeps worse and worse. Maybe she'll do something about it, like supporting Joe Biden. Just a thought.

Source: Morning Consult

While Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s willingness to break with her party and halt momentum on Democrats’ social spending agenda is inspiring comparisons with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the first-term centrist’s approach has also come with a major decline in backing among Democratic voters — and left her vulnerable to a primary challenge in 2024.

According to Morning Consult Political Intelligence tracking, Sinema’s approval rating fell from 48 percent to 42 percent among registered voters in Arizona between the first and third quarters of 2021, while the share who disapprove increased from 35 percent to 42 percent during that time.

The decline was largely driven by Democratic voters, who, at 46 percent, are now 21 percentage points less likely to approve of the Arizona senator’s job performance than they were at the beginning of the year. And Sinema, who was recently followed into a bathroom by immigration activists and faces calls for a Democratic challenger if she runs for re-election in three years, can’t count on robust support from the faction still backing her: 14 percent of Arizona Democrats say they “strongly” approve of Sinema, compared to 28 percent who said the same in the Jan. 1-March 31 surveys.

Sinema’s McCain-style maverick posture has not helped her standing with independent voters in her state, but it has improved her reputation with Arizona Republicans, who are now split almost evenly on her job performance.

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