Mark Levin: 'McAuliffe Is Preparing To Try And Steal The Election'

As we all know, Republicans simply do not lose elections. But if they do, it was stolen from them.

Right-wing nutjob Mark Levin is pushing his party line that Terry McAuliffe is going to steal the Virginia gubernatorial election. Because as we now know, Republicans are never going to lose another election, no sir! They will shout and bully their way into winning, no matter what! Via Media Matters:

MARK LEVIN (HOST): And I will tell you now that Terry McAuliffe is preparing to try and steal the election. McAuliffe spends big in final days on sanctioned lawyer who sued to overturn Iowa House race.

[...] This is very important to understand. So they're going to try and steal the election. The same guy, McAuliffe, who said that Bush was illegitimate in the 2000 election because he stole it from Gore, the same guy, McAuliffe, in 2016 that said actually Hillary won, remember was the bagman for the Clintons. And Trump had lost, stole the election, Russia collusion.

Now, of course, if you dare to raise questions about 2020, "Oh, you must be a Na-- a white supremacist," but of course.

Marc Elias, of course, is the Democracy Docket election lawyer who has successfully fought back attempts by dozens of states to suppress voters. No wonder they hate him! Here's his latest win in Virginia:

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