Morning Joe Rips Steve Scalise For Refusal To Admit Trump Lost

"Madisonian democracy doesn't work if you only respect elections when your side wins," Joe Scarborough said.

Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough shredded Steve Scalise this morning.

"The big lie is alive and well among Republican leadership. Yesterday Steve Scalise repeatedly refused to say the 2020 election was not stolen when pressed by Chris Wallace on Fox News on Sunday," Mika Brzezinski said.

CHRIS WALLACE: Do you think the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump?

SCALISE: Chris, I've been very clear from the beginning. If you look, a number of states did not follow their state's passed laws that governs the election for president.

WALLACE: Do you think the election is stolen? Last time, I promise. Do you think the election is stolen or not?

SCALISE: It's not just regulations, it's the states that did not follow law set by the Constitution they were supposed to follow. When you see Georgia is cleaning up their mess and people calling it Jim Crow law, that's a flat out lie.

"It's unbelievable. It's really unbelievable. That's just sleazy. That really is sleazy, it's cynical, it's despicable, it's deplorable.

"Still lying and spreading lies for your constituents for the American people about what happened in last year's election is deplorable. When you have Trump justices across the United States saying there wasn't any widespread voter fraud, when you have the Supreme Court of the United States yes, in Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court let overrode what the state legislature did. We should take a lot at that at some point, but it's not going to change the outcome of the election, said Alito and Thomas. Let's take a look at it because it may have influence future elections.

"How about common sense? We all know he knows better," Brzezinski said.

"This had nothing to do with him lacking common sense. It has everything to do with Republicans lacking common decency, who love their country and actually respect the Constitution of the United States, who understand that a peaceful transition is one of the most important things that we can do to actually follow through on what our Founders gave us, and that men and women have fought for and died for through the years.

"Madisonian democracy doesn't work if you only respect elections when your side wins. That's what they do in communist countries, that's what they do in fascist countries. Hey, Steve Scalise, that's not what they do here, all right? Go back and I think you need to go back take some civic classes. Maybe they've got a civics class where you live in a community college and relearn civics. This is absolutely -- absolutely -- absolutely -- despicable a year later," Scarborough said.

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