QAnon Influencer Hides His Own Pedophile History Behind New Name

The 70-year-old Todeschini. who uses the name David Trent, is a convicted sex offender—a level three threat, according to New York sex offender registry, meaning that he is at “high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists.”

A QAnon influencer who has accused high-ranking Democrats of being pedophiles is himself a convicted sex offender. Via Right Wing Watch:

David Todeschini, under the alias of David Trent, operates the Net4Truth BitChute channel with some 21,000 followers, a GoFundMe page for “Christian Ministry and Veteran’s advocacy” featuring QAnon rhetoric, and number of social media pages. Todeschini was also the owner of a YouTube channel that had thousands of followers until that platform purged channels espousing the dangerous QAnon conspiracy theory following the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

[...] In his videos, Todeschini calls for Democratic politicians in D.C. to be “taken out at gunpoint,” alleges children are being trafficked, and claims Hillary Clinton, Bill Barr, and others have been convicted of treason and sentenced to hang. The introduction for his videos displays QAnon slogans and the symbol of the Three Percenters, a paramilitary extremist group.

[...] But the 70-year-old Todeschini is a convicted sex offender—a level three threat, according to New York sex offender registry, meaning that he is at “high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists.” That registry categorizes him as a “sexually violent offender.” Todeschini was convicted in 1999 of coercing an 8-year-old boy into sexual acts three years earlier.

RWW was tipped off to Todeschini’s record via Gabe Hoffman, owner and producer of the documentary “An Open Secret.”

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