Texas Lt. Gov. Cuts First $25,000 Check For Voter Fraud Case - A Republican Caught In Pennsylvania

Dan Patrick, a Republican, promised to pay $25,000 to any tipster who came forward with evidence of real voter fraud. That's just what he did for Eric Frank, a poll worker in Pennsylvania who caught a Republican trying to vote twice.

Texas Lt. Gov. Cuts First $25,000 Check For Voter Fraud Case - A Republican Caught In Pennsylvania

Patrick, a Republican, promised to pay $25,000 to any tipster who came forward with evidence of real voter fraud. Little did he know that his first and probably only check would go to a progressive poll worker in Pennsylvania who caught a registered republican trying to vote twice.

Source: Dallas Morning News

AUSTIN — Nearly a year after offering up a hefty bounty for evidence of voter fraud in the wake of Donald Trump’s loss, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has handed out his first reward.

But instead of going to an informant who smoked out fraud by Democrats, Patrick’s five-figure payout went to a progressive poll worker in Pennsylvania whose tip led to a single conviction of illegal voting by a registered Republican.

The unexpected outcome reveals the political dangers of cash bounties. With few strings attached, and more cases of alleged GOP voting fraud still in Pennsylvania courts, Patrick may be asked to shell out even more cash to his opponents.

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