Twitter Trolled Facebook During Their Outage; Hilarity Ensued

Facebook going down was the event of the day, with Twitter and dozens of other large companies piling on....on Twitter.

Twitter Trolled Facebook During Their Outage; Hilarity Ensued

Facebook was down for most of the day on Monday and Twitter users - and Twitter ITSELF - loved it.

Twitter posted this epic tweet:

Let's just say, the thread got...SPICY.

Instagram and Whatsapp were down, but their Twitter accounts remained up, as did all of Twitter:

Adele jumped in:

Yo, reddit:

Lowe's with the killer dad joke:

IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) offering their special help:

McD's, coming in hotter than a freshly cooked pan of french fries:

Twix, no idea if it was right or left:


Microsoft Teams (I cracked up):

And Tampax, for the WIN:

Sadly, Facebook came back around dinner time, just in time for your great aunt to rejoin after dinner to get caught up on conspiracy theories and vaccine misinformation. Sorry.

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