Psaki Whacks Doocy's Attack On Biden For Celebrating Thanksgiving

Fox’s Peter Doocy may have asked his stupidest “gotcha” yet and Press Secretary Jen Psaki smacked it down accordingly.

Ever hopeful of ruining Joe Biden’s presidency and in this case his holiday, too, Peter Doocy tried to argue that there’s something sinister about Biden not staying in the White House for Thanksgiving.

DOOCY: The president said today that he was sent here to look out for these working and middle class families who are strained right now. So what should they read into him leaving now at this time of great personal financial hardship for so many, to go to Nantucket for the week?

You have to wonder how Psaki kept a straight face at this nonsense. But it’s no joke how Fox is poisoning our discourse and I’m sure Psaki knows the network must be dealt with accordingly.

PSAKI: Well, first I would say, Peter, that I hope you're spending time with your family. I'm spending time with my family and I hope everybody in here is spending time with their families. This is a time to put politics aside, spend time with your loved ones and talk about what you're grateful for.

I will also tell you, from spending some time working for this president and a past president, that you are president no matter where you are. He will conduct his work from wherever he is on any vacation and any time he is in Delaware, at Camp David, or wherever he may be spending time with his loved ones. He has secure phone capabilities, he has staff traveling with him and I think the American people can be assured that he will continue to press to lower their costs and ensure they have more breathing room.

Touché, Madam Secretary.

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