Boebert's PR Team (Probably) Issues Non-Apology To 'Offended' Muslims

Absolutely no one bought her BS non-apology for the very real bigotry and hatred she spewed at Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Absolutely no one is buying the ghost-written hostage non-apology tweeted out by white supremacist Rep. Lauren Boebert, wherein she attempts to shift blame for her disgusting, race-baiting slander of colleague Rep. Ilhan Omar from herself to Muslims who were offended.

I won't link to the original filth that came so naturally out of Bobo's face, but it involved a fabricated story involving Omar, an elevator, an allegedly concerned Capitol security guard, and a terrible comment from Bobo about a backpack. She was telling this story to a group of fellow KKKolorado residents, who all seemed to appreciate the story and the vile race- and religion-baiting behind it. They also bought it as true, since Bobo was telling as if it had actually happened. It wasn't until Omar herself revealed that the incident had never occured, and that Boebert actually never even has the temerity to look her in the eye when they pass each other in the Capitol, that the KKKolorodo rep began to feel the heat.

Then yesterday, the non-apology appeared on Bobo's twitter account. Why do I say "non-apology? Because "I apologize to anyone I offended" is not an apology. Everyone, EVERYONE should be offended by her remarks. And the distraction wasn't created by the people she offended. The distraction was created by HER, when she spewed her disgusting hate and bigotry. So she can shove her apology, and should be f*cking grateful her conference has absolutely no leadership of consequence or morals to punish her the way she deserves to be punished — which is with censure and loss of committee assignments.

Twitter concurred.

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