Polish Anti-Vaxxer Leader Dies From COVID

Johann Biacsics, one of the most stubborn and convinced of Austrian No Vax, died after contracting Covid-19. For days he tried to treat himself with bleach enemas. Didn't work.

Biacsics left the hospital against medical advice, desiring instead to treat himself with highly concentrated chlorine dioxide (bleach) taken in an enema. His treatment didn't seem to work, leaving him with explosive diarrhea and badly dehydrated before succumbing to COVID-19.

Source: Polish News

One of Austria’s most famous opponents of coronavirus vaccines, Johann Biacsics, has died from COVID-19, local media reports. His condition worsened from October, and he was hospitalized in early November. Despite his breathing difficulties and critical condition, he refused conventional treatment.

As the family wrote on the website, Johann Biacsics had been ill since October, and his condition worsened – he had diarrhea, fever and cough. He was hospitalized in early November. Despite testing positive for the coronavirus, Biacsics told doctors that it has already beaten COVID-19. Although he had trouble breathing, and his condition worsened and was life-threatening, he was discharged home from the hospital.

At home, Biacsics tried to treat himself with chlorine dioxide. It is considered a miracle cure for COVID-19 among opponents of vaccines. Soon after, the man died.

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