Rachel Maddow, At Long Last, Tells Trump How She Really Feels

President Bone Spurs denied wounded soldiers the Purple Heart to protect his fragile ego.

I watch Rachel Maddow all the time, and this segment made me shout WHOA.

On Wednesday's show, Rachel Maddow covered this USA Today piece, talking about how active-duty soldiers were attacked by Iranian missiles in 2020. Fortunately, no US soldier was killed in the attack, but the missiles left so much damage that some soldiers reported head injuries after the blast.

President Jagoff initially said there were "no injuries" from the attack and since he is mentally incapable of correcting himself later, he went so far as to deny the reality that some soldiers were actually injured that day.

Now with the new administration (ahem) those soldiers are applying for and getting Purple Hearts for their service and sacrifice.

Maddow closed out the segment saying that her crew didn't try to contact "the former president" for fear that answering the phone might aggravate his bone spurs.

“I’ll tell you, we thought about calling the former president (Trump) for comment on the story but we really didn’t want him to hurt himself in the bone spurs if he got up too quickly to take the call.”


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