Vaccinated Fox Hosts Attack Vaccine Mandates As 'Dangerous'

The fearmongering, hypocritical hosts of Fox & Friends, who are subject to a vaccine mandate from their employer, attacked vaccine mandates as "dangerous," likening them to discrimination and segregation,

The fearmongering, hypocritical hosts of Fox & Friends, who are subject to a vaccine mandate from their employer, attacked vaccine mandates as "dangerous" and likened them to discrimination and segregation during another disgusting segment on the right wing propaganda network this Saturday.

During a discussion about protests against lockdowns across Europe, and some reporting out of The Times of Israel that some unnamed, unvaccinated people at the State Department are unhappy about the way they're being treated by their coworkers, here's how the crew over on Trump's favorite morning show proceeded to basically paint vaccine mandates as some awful form of tyranny that's going to lead to the destruction of the country, along with fearmongering about anyone pushing back against vigilantes like Kyle Rittenhouse.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: And we're seeing that across the country, It's not just at the state Department that those that are unvaccinated are facing discrimination. Many of these people are unvaccinated as you know have natural immunities, but, regardless, you know, starting to see this segregation of our society into the vaxxed and uvvaxed, the good, the bad the clean the unclean. Um... this is dangerous, isn't it?

JONES: It's dangerous on two levels. First of all, we don't want violence to happen on the street. But it's also, I'm very curious they're going to do since some of the people that are no longer going to be able to do their job is fired.

I saw fires all over New York and it's already rumored to be a fire station that could have gone to a location that they didn't make it there in time. Police officers are leaving the job as well. So, you're going to have it on both ends. You've got people that are protesting, rioting and having their day. And then the people that are supposed to protect us from that, aren't going to be able to do that. So we got ourselves in quite of a pickle.

CAIN: Let me add it up. We're going to have riots in this country spanning over the past year. Now in response to COVID mandates, worldwide riots. Let's also go ahead and fire the police officers because they're unvaccinated and the fire department because they're unvaccinated.

Okay, okay. We're going to fire everyone who could potentially, or good chunk of people who could respond to this. We're also going to go pursue the effort that you are not allowed to defend yourself when it comes knocking at your door or attacks your person.

So, then we're going to have our politicians say if you do stand up for yourself you need to uproot the system of justice. So, if I just add it up, I'm just trying to figure out the only lesson we can come to is well, what we are advocating for is destruction. Total destruction of the streets, the country and of you. Destruction is the end.

JONES: You really have your lawyer hat on today. I mean, you told that story. I teed it up, but you sort of have dunked it.

CAIN: I have: two eyes and can observe.

Which was followed up by Campos-Duffy lying about whether governments have ever mandated vaccines.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: And I know there are some never before seen things that are happening in our country. And I think what's important to what you are talking about, Will, is that we not normalize this, and that's what I always tell my kids, because they are young, and this is their first experience of America.

And I say to them, this is not normal! We've never had our government telling us what to do with our bodies in terms of vaccines and putting medicine inside of our body. We've never had our government tell us that we can't go to church. We've never had our government tell us you can't go school or you have to put a mask on.

These are very unusual times we're in.

JONES: Unusual, not normal.

I don't know if the Duffys home school all of their kids, but I'm pretty sure she knows full well vaccines are required to put children in public schools. And this is far from the first time the government has mandated vaccines.

As we've discussed here before, Fox seems bound and determined to prolong this pandemic for as long as humanly possible, and has no regard whatsoever for how many of their viewers they kill listening to their lies and misinformation about coronavirus. In a just country, they'd be sued into oblivion for the blood they've got on their hands.

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