Yes, Michael Flynn Is A Theocracy Grifter

Michael Flynn is willing to sell out America on a regular basis. This time with an eye on the collection plate at your local evangelical church.

Yes, Michael Flynn Is A Theocracy Grifter

And here we go again, one of the most un-American things you could ever say:

We can get into all the weeds we want about the Founders being Deists and not Xristians, and that Gawd doesn’t appear in the Constitution, and “one nation under gawd” was not added until the godless commies red scare of the 1950s, blah-blah-blah. It doesn’t matter.

The theocrats hear what they want to hear and the rest is noise.

But what they should be asking themselves is Whose Religion?

Every Mormon should be alarmed, all the Catholics should be alarmed, the Jews should look over their shoulders, and the atheists should be on high-alert. And so on and on and on.

To the degree that our secular country works, it is because there is no litmus test on religion. And if there ever is one, then the purges will start.

Last word to this Twitter wag:

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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