Capitol Rioter Surrenders To Prison Early

Jenna Ryan, who took a private jet to be at the Capitol riot of last January 6th, is now locked away in Bryan Federal Prison Camp.

Ryan was originally scheduled to report on January 4th. Instead, reports are that she showed up almost a week ago. No word yet if she's practicing her yoga and started a new fitness regimen to lose the 30lbs she wants to lose. A prison consultant thinks she'll do the entire 60 days, as her TikTok videos have already been gotten noticed by prison officials. They were not amused, apparently.

Source: Dallas Observer

As visions of sugar plums danced in kids’ heads, Jenna Ryan was nestling into her new prison bed.

Days before Christmas, the embattled Frisco real estate broker reported to Bryan Federal Prison Camp to begin serving her 60-day prison sentence. Ryan, who filmed herself entering the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, pleaded guilty in August to a misdemeanor count of parading, picketing or demonstrating in the Capitol.

The 51-year-old had been scheduled to start serving her sentence in January. But in a Dec. 23 video, Florida-based prison consultant Daniel Wise noted that Ryan had already surrendered.

And why would she do that, you ask? Well, Daniel Wise thinks it's about sympathy. And whatever she can turn this into after she's released.

“I have to imagine that there was a motive behind this, and your motive probably is: You want to go in there, now you can write in your book what it was like to be in prison for Christmas,” he said. “I mean I think people are going to see right through the smokescreen. I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of sympathy.”

As for Ryan, she doesn't seem that worried about prison, if this Instagram video is any indication. She's more worried about her boyfriend cheating on her while she's gone.

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