Acosta Shows Off His Hilarious Fox-Themed Holiday Artwork

Jim Acosta found yet another creative way to mock Fox "News."

Jim Acosta loves to mock, drag and flat out make fun of Fox News and their "media personalities" on his weekend show, and today was no different. This time, though, he included homemade art! Holiday-themed art, to boot! He showed off his custom art, and suggested that this would be a great gift of truth - a "folder of articles."

In his folder was an AP article that reported fewer than 475 cases of voter fraud in battleground states! On Jim's festive green folder was the Christmasy Laura Ingraham, sparkly Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade and "Tiny Tucker."

Jim added emotionally, "God bless up everyone, including Vladimir Putin." He suggested that when your right wing relatives start talking about how the "election was stolen," you can calmly hand them your "Yuletide Folder," and even asked viewers to send him photos of their own folders, even promising to air them on his show.

Happy holidays to all! Even to Tiny Tucker.

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