MAGA Girl Turns On Trump For Pushing Booster Shots: 'F*ck Donald Trump!'
"I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion and it truly does pain me to say it, but f*ck Donald Trump!" she began.
An Instagram influencer, or wannabee, made a viral clip where she denounces Donald Trump. I guess she's serious about this, but really, it's difficult to tell what is parody and what isn't with these folks.
Source: Raw Story
A one-time fan of former President Donald Trump angrily denounced him this week after he publicly encouraged his supporters to get booster shots to protect themselves against COVID-19.
In a video posted on her Instagram account, a woman who goes by the name of Allison Wonderland profanely criticized the former president for promoting vaccines and boosters.
"I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion and it truly does pain me to say it, but f*ck Donald Trump!" she began. "He is now trying to say that by us doubting the jab, that we're playing right into their hands. What?!"