BYE! Devin Nunes Is Retiring And You Won't Believe His New Job
Nunes is retiring from Congress to run a company that is under active investigation by the SEC.
California Congressman, Devin Nunes, just announced that he is MOOVING on from Congress and it appears he isn't going to be spending more time with his cows. Nope, he is reportedly taking a a job as the CEO of Trump's new media company. You know, the one that is under SEC investigation related to questions about its stock trading and "communications with Trump’s firm before the deal was announced." The social media company is called "TRUTH social," unironically since Trump has zero relationship or understanding of the word "truth." It supposedly will compete with Twitter and Facebook (LOLLLLL). I guess this is the Trump version of Gab or Parler, both of which have become cesspools of racism, hatred, white nationalism and violent rhetoric. I guess those are Trump's "very fine people."
Twitter responded to the news of Nunes' retirement which the usual calm:
He officially retires at the end of 2021. BYE, Devin.
UPDATE: TFG weighs in, using the c-word for all of us lib types:
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