Arizona GOPers An Ominous Harbinger Of Election Interference

They promise to lock up election workers if they get an outcome they don't like.

After playing some clips of the rants from Arizona Republican conspiracy theorists at Trump's rally this weekend, CNN anchor John Berman points out it's everywhere.

"It's not just Arizona where all this is happening. Joining us now is CNN correspondent Donie O'Sullivan. Donie, this is rather alarming, having listened to just what those folks had to say here. How likely is it that this becomes reality?" Berman said.

"I mean, imagine, how chilling that is if you are an election worker, an election volunteer in Arizona, hearing from people there who are running to take control, to have authority over elections in that state, and they're saying they want to lock people up," O'Sullivan said.

"They believe in Qanon conspiracy theories. Look, it's very, very concerning for people we spoke to on the ground in Arizona, people, certainly Democrats, have a real sense that this is the major issue of 2022. Because these elections are going to then play directly into 2024 and how those elections are overseen. Look, it's not just happening in Arizona.

"Take a look at these numbers from the Washington Post. They did a tally across the country. They found at least 163 Republicans who have embraced the Big Lie that are now running for statewide positions that would give them some authority, some control over elections. you see there in 30 states. 69 candidates for governor. 55 candidates for U.S. Senate. 13 candidates for state attorney general. 18 candidates for secretary of state.

"Now, of course, not all of those have been endorsed by Donald Trump. those two candidates you heard there at the top of the segment, they have been endorsed by Trump."

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