Bannon’s AntiVax 'Correspondent' Blames COVID On Biden, BLM, Antifa

Real America's Voice "correspondent" Ben Bergquam has been hospitalized with the “Biden variant” of the “China virus,” but he thanks God he’s not vaccinated.

Bergquam is a “correspondent” for Steve Bannon’s Real America’s Voice where, obviously, journalistic skills and ethics are discouraged. Incendiary, anti-science extremism is probably a requirement.

Bergquam recorded the video above at 2 AM while he was in the hospital, hooked up to oxygen and having obvious difficulty breathing. But that did not deter him from blaming everybody he hates for his own refusal to get vaccinated and practice COVID prevention measures.

BERGQUAM: The reason I’m in this bed is because China created a bioweapon to go after the world. They used that weapon to lock down America. Democrats used the lockdown to force massive vote-by-mail, to create massive voter fraud and steal the election. That’s why millions of people around the country rose up, that’s why they were there on January 6th and that’s why the Democrats allowed the violence that happened on January 6th to occur, because they had to stop the voter fraud investigation. That’s it, that’s the reality of why we’re in the situation we’re in, in our country.

It’s the reason why I’m sittin’ in this hospital bed, with pneumonia, and thank God I’m getting better.

Bergquam credited God and his own healthy practices for his recovery, claiming that the doctors told him that “most people would have already been on a ventilator.”

And for some reason, it all means that Democrats, China, Antifa and BLM “have to be held accountable.”

BERGQUAM: So I'm praying. Thank You, Lord, my angels are with me, I absolutely know it. God wins, but the Democrats have to be held accountable. China has to be held accountable. Antifa and BLM who terrorized our country for four years have to be held accountable.

Where's BLM? Where are Antifa? Where are they now? They were simply used by the Democrats to steal the election, to intimidate judges, to intimidate politicians, and to intimidate the American people to shut up and sit down. That's why we still have people in Guantanamo, D.C. being terrorized right now, being tortured right now. They don't care about the actual truth. They don't care about fixing the country. If they did, they would have held China accountable for this. If they did, they would hold BLM and Antifa accountable. If they did, they would stop the invasion on our southern border that’s inviting in tens of millions of more, not just with COVID but with everything else.

But wait there’s more:

In a later video, Bergquam thanks God he didn’t get vaccinated and claims that a nurse told him the hospital COVID unit is full of triple vaccinated patients. “People are dying with or without the vaccine,” he said. He later said the same nurse told him that “all day long” they’re getting calls about people dying of strokes from the vaccines that nobody’s talking about because “They don’t want you to know that.”

He went on to claim that the reason people are dying from COVID is because they are unhealthy, obese and out of shape. Unlike his own physical awesomeness.

Or maybe everybody just needs more horse deworming medicine:

(H/T Boing Boing and Ron Filipkowski)

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