Cassidy Deludes Himself About Protecting Future Elections

LA Sen. Bill Cassidy tells CNN's Jake Tapper that "The American people are not going to vote for a cheat. If someone says I'm voting because I want to flip an election, they're going to lose their election."

Sen. Bill Cassidy appeared fully delusional about the nation's voters when he appeared on CNN's to talk with Jake Tapper about the 2020 election, Republican voter suppression laws, and the future of elections.

Suffice it to say, Cassidy has no idea what is going on with how votes are counted, or what's in the minds of voters. Furthermore, his defense of voter laws is laughable.

TAPPER: This push by Democrats in the Senate comes as legislatures in dozens of states are taking steps to restrict voting in many cases, and with Republicans invoking the big lie that the election was stolen as justification. Just to be clear, so our viewers know, you have said that Joe Biden won the election fair and square, and that you have called the big lie the big lie. But we did see Trump last night in Arizona trying to pressure legislators to decertify the 2020 election. On Friday, he called for an effort to get vote counters, more of them in office who are supporters of his. Take a listen.


DONALD TRUMP, RETIRED FLORIDA BLOGGER: You have to be a lot sharper the next time when it comes to counting the vote. There is a famous statement. Sometimes, the vote counter is more important than the candidate. And we can't let that ever, ever happen again. They have to get tougher and smarter.


TAPPER: We know what he means by tougher and smarter, right? So I get you don't support the Democrats' legislation. Let's talk about another path forward. What do you support in order to secure our elections to make sure that there isn't any fraud, but also they're free and safe and that the efforts to disenfranchise that we saw in 2020 are not successful?

CASSIDY: First, I think we are seeing the success of state and local government in protecting the election. They have been doing it for over 200 years. We also have seen that the federal courts were incredibly active in making sure that suits were heard in a timely fashion and challenges were considered. And, by the way, they ruled in the right direction every time. And these were Trump-appointed judges in many cases.

The other thing to point out is that election supervisors, the folks that former President Trump are speaking about electing, they don't count the vote. It's not some back room where you can either toss it out or keep it. It's a public process in which both sides are represented, and there's votes counted. So those that think there's a back room, and you vote for the counter, it's just not true.

Lastly, I can imagine a campaign slogan: Vote for me. I'm going to cheat in the election. We should not underestimate the American people. The American people are not going to vote for a cheat. If someone says I'm voting because I want to flip an election, they're going to lose their election. And so I think we have to kind of give credit to the American people in the elections, in the process that we have gone into. Those ill intents didn't pass. Indeed, as I pointed out in Georgia, they have more permissive laws than Delaware and New York.

I can't fully understand what his defense is. He seems to think that the 2020 election laws worked great, and credits them for keeping everything running smoothly, including the judiciary. But he misunderstands what election supervisors and the state Board of Elections actually do, it appears.

The final point he makes about people not voting for a cheater is the most laughable. Literally all Donald Trump does is cheat and lie. His voters KNOW this and STILL vote for him. Roughly 75 MILLION Americans look at Donald Trump, the biggest liar, cheater, racist, grifting conman to ever run for office, and they say to themselves "That's MY guy!"

Bill Cassidy, Sunday's biggest dunce.

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