Comedian J.L. Cauvin Scorches 'Let's Go Brandon' Hecklers
This is so fun to watch.
While taking a few digs at Donald Trump, comedian C.L. Cauvin (he of the incredible Trump imitation) addresses the hecklers who respond, "Let's go, Brandon!"
"I want to go over the 'Let's go Brandon' thing for a second," he said.
"You had Abraham Lincoln, first Republican president, said 'A nation divided against itself cannot stand.' Ronald Reagan said to Mikhail Gorbachev, 'Tear down this wall.' And this generation of Republicans has 'Let's go, Brandon.' "
"In 40 years, is it just going to be a fart? Is that going to be, like, Chelsea Clinton will be running for president and some Republican will just take a sh*t on the sidewalk and they'll go, 'That's right, Chelsea!'"
He then ridiculed the LGB crowd.
"'Let's go, Brandon -- we're naughty! They're playing checkers, we're playing chess. Let's go, Brandon! They'll never figure it out!' "
"I feel like I'm hosting a town hall where it's like, instead of the Bloods and the Crips, I have like MSNBC and OAN and I'm trying to bring them together and be like, let's just talk this out.' "
He then explained why he didn't really understand the hostility toward Biden.
"Let's say you think he's a bad president. Let's say you think he's f*cking senile, whatever. Okay, and I'm sure he would have nothing but nice things to say about you.
"My point with that is when I see an old person who's, like, not being mean to me or curt, I just go, 'Hey, old person!'
He said he didn't get the anger. 'Listen to me, you old friendly
[ __ ], go f*ck yourself.'
"So it's one thing not to vote for the guy but I feel like Joe Biden doesn't give off a lot of, like, f*ck you energy. It's more like, 'I'm like a nice old man, vote me out in a couple of years if you think I'm a bad person. But if I wasn't president, I'd be feeding pigeons and reading a book.
"Not exactly the type of person that you f*cking kick downstairs and go, 'Let's go, Brandon' and then piss on him.
"He just seems like a like a nice old man. Okay apparently, he's a douchebag -- unlike Trump, who is a strong Christian warrior."