Fox Guest Calls Abortion ‘The Ultimate Act Of Voter Suppression’
Fox’s Rachel Campos-Duffy slobbered over a guest who claimed there’s no voter suppression going on except for the unborn.
Just minutes before Fox & Friends host Campos-Duffy gushed over her pro-life guest, she had attacked life-saving COVID-prevention measures in schools, calling them “child abuse” and “a catastrophic, moral crime” that has “destroyed” childhoods.
But Campos-Duffy presented guest Ryan Bomberger, an anti-vaxxer who wants to force women to bear children conceived in rape or incest, as the embodiment of love and life. She called it “an honor” to have him on the show. “You say that you were conceived in rape but you were adopted in love and that we’re all better off when we choose love,” Campos-Duffy said.
Bomberger described himself as “literally the 1% that’s used 100% of the time to justify abortion.” And while it’s great that he was adopted by a loving family, a family that includes nine other adopted children, and it’s understandable why he’d be against abortion, it’s not his body that would ever have to bear an unwanted child.
But Campos-Duffy was enraptured. She said, “I listen to your story, and it just oozes love.”
Bomberger went on to spew a load of right-wing talking points, almost as if he were auditioning for a Fox contract. He claimed the majority of the mainstream media “doesn’t want to actually speak the truth,” apparently because when “we did a billboard campaign highlighting the hugely disproportionate impact of abortion in the Black community, and it was unbelievable how many of them just ignored me.” He complained that while NPR interviewed him for 45 minutes, on his campaign “I wasn’t in any part of the three and a half minute piece.” Oh, the horror!
Instead of pointing out that that’s how journalism works, Campos-Duffy agreed: “Yeah, absolutely.” Then she prompted Bomberger to attack President Joe Biden: “You said Biden killing voters before they’re born is the ultimate act of voting suppression. Talk to me about that.”
Bomberger began with the right-wing canard about the Democratic party being the party of slavery, the KKK, poll taxes, Jim Crow and now, “Jim COVID, with forced vaccine mandates in D.C.” He continued by claiming Democrats “perpetuate victimhood, especially among people of my complexion, claiming that we can’t vote.” Then, after sneering that Democrats “can’t produce one person who hasn’t been able to vote!” Bomberger added a Fox-friendly twist to his rhetoric.
BOMBERGER: [T]his president is the most radically pro-abortion president in history. And it's heart-breaking but he’s chosen policies that celebrate the exploitation of women and the destruction of the unborn. So, it is the ultimate act of voter suppression. You want to talk about keeping people from voting. Well, you keep them from being alive. Dead people cannot vote.
Campos-Duffy loved it. “Wow, your message is powerful,” she raved. “You are a blessing to this world.”