Joe's Got Jokes!

Normally talk of tax rates is a snooze, but Pres. Biden kept the audience on its toes with his one-liners.

We get Spicy Joe when someone misquotes him, boy does Pres. Biden come out swinging at reporters who try to twist his words. Today, though, addressing the United States Conference of Mayors, we get Joe with the Jokes.

Biden addressed the mayors on the final day of their conference, doing all the trademark Joe Biden things, like talking up the working class, pumping up the importance of the work local leaders like mayors do, empathizing with the difficulty of their jobs, and touting his administrations accomplishments as it relates to partnerships with the cities these mayors represent.

Towards the end he talked about the tax structure, emphasizing that people making under $400K per year wouldn't pay a penny more in federal income taxes. He used his hometown state of Delaware to illustrate how corporations making billions in profits have paid zero in taxes, and how unfair it was.

"I wasn't kidding when I said when I announced for president that I am so tired of the working class and middle class carrying the burden. It is about time we grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out," Biden said. "And by the way, when the middle class does well, the wealthy do very, very, very well. I'm not joking."

He SAID he wasn't joking...and maybe he wasn't joking about THAT. But then came the zinger...

"This isn't about punishing anybody. It is about getting everybody in the game. Raise your hand if you think the present tax structure is fair. And we'll take a picture of you and send it home," he quipped.

I love Joe with the Jokes as much as I love Spicy Joe, because even Joe with the Jokes has a little edge to him...it's like he's saying, "Yeah, I love you, and you know it, but you think this crap is fair? Let's show your voters this picture cozying up to the rich folks and see how much they like you after that." The friendly but serious, thinly veiled threat of "Don't mess with me, man. You know I wipe the floor with bullies."

So much more effective than TFG.

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