Ron Johnson: I'm Anti-Vaccine Because God Didn't Create Them

Ron Johnson's latest anti-vaxxer screed is vaccines aren't better than natural immunity.

Senator Ron Johnson has added a new twist to his anti-vaxxer rhetoric. Now he's dismissing the benefits of the COVID vaccines because God didn't make them:

"Why would we just automatically assume that our natural immunity is going to be awful?" he ranted. "You would think the default position would be, if you've already had it, you ought to be pretty well protected. Why do we assume that the body's natural immune system isn't the marvel that it really is?"

"Why do we think that we can create something better than God in terms of combatting disease?" the senator added. "There are certain things we have to do, but we have just made so many assumptions, and it's all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine."

"Why do we think that we can create something better than God in terms of combatting disease?" the senator added. "There are certain things we have to do, but we have just made so many assumptions, and it's all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine."
What RoJo forgets to mention that in order to have "natural immunity," you first have to get exposed to and come down with COVID. Then you have to hope like hell that you survive it. The 828,000 Americans who weren't so lucky and succumbed to the virus were not available for comment. Neither were all the people that succumbed to polio, measles or a slew of other diseases.

RoJo also pointed out that he had tested positive for COVID last year and self-reported that it wasn't so bad. But somehow it slipped his mind that he, like every other US Senator has been vaccinated. Obviously, he feels that vaccines should be reserved for the ruling class and that money shouldn't be squandered on protecting the lives of the working class. After all, that money could be used for another massive tax break for the ultra-wealthy who are struggling because so many of their employees are either dead or leaving for better jobs where they get treated with respect.

Furthermore, all the studies also show that it's advisable to get vaccinated instead of just relying on one's natural immunity. All the conspiracy theories won't change that simple fact.

Now, I'm not a doctor nor do I pretend to be like RoJo does, but given how all the statistics show that the vaccine greatly improves one's chance to avoid the virus and survive it if you do get it, I'm damn glad that I'm fully vaccinated and boostered. After all, wouldn't it be better not have been sick in the first place than rolling the dice that I might survive it long enough to build up an immunity?

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