Marco Rubio Blasts 'Irrational Hysteria' Over Omicron

"The real crisis is the irrational hysteria which has people with no symptoms waiting hours for a test or missing work for 10 days" tweeted the mentally feeble Senator from Florida.

Some days it's well nigh impossible to pick the worst Republican in the U.S. Senate. There are just so damn many of them. These jackasses are so beholden to their corporate masters that they spout dangerous nonsense on a daily basis. In this case, endangering others with their dismissive tone to a deadly pandemic.

Florida keeps shattering their own records for positive tests, with over 75,000 on Friday alone.

Source: Business Insider

Sen. Marco Rubio on Friday criticized the public response to the highly-transmissible Omicron coronavirus variant, saying that fears emanating from the surge in new cases amounted to "irrational hysteria."

The Florida Republican —whose home state had a one-day record of 75,900 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — took to Twitter to minimize the severity of the new variant.

And naturally, this menace to public health went on to tweet how happy he was to see a packed house at Friday's Orange Bowl football game in Miami. The organizers were thrilled with the full 66,000+ attendance, with no masks or vaccination required, of course. Because that's just not how they roll in Florida.

Twitter was not kind.

I'm not sure about this one. Rick Scott is god-awful as well.

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