#MoscowMitch Doesn't Think Black Americans Are Real Americans

We knew he felt this way, but he usually manages not to say it.

We all know that Republicans don't think Black voters are "real" Americans, but Mitch McConnell slipped and accidentally said it out loud while taking a victory lap after last night's vote on the voting rights bill.

It was the same night he feigned high indignation and sorrow over Joe Biden comparing Republican obstruction to Bull Connor tactics.

A reporter asked McConnell about concerns voters of color have about voting rights.

“The concern is misplaced,” said McConnell, “because if you look at the statistics, African-American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

You know, white Americans. Their base. The only ones who count. The people Republicans spend 24/7 reminding they are the only people in the entire country who matter.

I think we all got your message, Bull. I mean Mitch.

And I'll bet not one reporter asks him about this today.

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