WA State Trooper Who Told Inslee To 'Kiss His A**" Over Vax Mandate Dies
Well, he got COVID and you know how the story ends.
Remember (ex) Washington State Trooper who quit his job because he didn't want to get vaccinated and famously told Gov. Jay Inslee to "kiss his ass" as his last sign off over the airwaves (see video above).
Well, he got the COVID.
(tell me if you have heard this before?)
And now he is dead.
Very dead.
From the COVID.
If only there was some free, widely available and totally safe vaccine he could have taken to prevent this very predictable ending? Alas, we may never know how the story could have ended differently.
WAIT. We do.
Up until the end, he was fighting...against the pandemic, but not how you think:
Anyhow, here is the announcement:
Please note that the announcement doesn't contain the word COVID or mention that he died FROM COVID. Just that he died. Blah blah. Sorry to his family. Another member of the Herman Cain club and the F*cked Around And Found Out club.
Twitter had thoughts:
Darwin always wins, folks.