Unvaxxed Trump Supporter Knew His T-shirt Was Misspelled But Wore It Anyway

Jason Selvig of the Good Liars comedy duo shared this bit of video from a recent Trump rally on the weekend.

Jason Selvig of the comedy duo the Good Liars shared this clip on MSNBC yesterday of encountering a man with a misspelled anti-vaxxer t-shirt.

Source: Raw Story

An anti-vaxxer who attended former president Donald Trump's rally in Texas on Saturday claimed he knew his T-shirt was misspelled, but opted to wear it anyway.

The Trump supporter, whose T-shirt read "UNVAXXED VILLIAN (sic)," spoke with Jason Selvig of the Good Liars comedy duo, who shared clips from the rally during an MSNBC segment on Sunday.

"Is that how you spell villain?" Selvig asked the man, pointing to his T-shirt.

"No, A-I-N," the man responded. "V-I-L-L-A-I-N."

He then handed Selvig a business card with the word "villain" apparently spelled correctly.

"I grabbed the wrong graphic when I sent it to the T-shirt place to make a prototype," the man explained.

"But you still wore it today?" Selvig responded.

"Yeah!" the man said.

He then went on to explain that he's a smoker and he'd heard smokers aren't as susceptible to things (omitting cancer, of course). The whole minute or so was demented.

Here's the full segment.

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