Will They Call It Killer Kyle's Law?

Wisconsin Republicans pass a slew of laws that loosen gun laws even further.

Will They Call It Killer Kyle's Law?

Just months after Killer Kyle Rittenhouse was let off the hook for killing two men in Kenosha, Wisconsin Republicans went full speed ahead on making gun laws even more lax.
Rittenhouse was able to escape the charges because the judge had dismissed gun charges, saying that minors were allowed to carry firearms for hunting, even though Killer Kyle was hunting BLM protesters.

The new Republican gun laws will make it more likely to have other Rittenhouse situations as well as more mass shootings at schools and places of worship. From the Wisconsin Examiner:

The bills passed by the Assembly on Thursday include AB-495, which allows for a person with a concealed carry permit to bring a firearm in their vehicle onto school grounds; AB-498, which lowers the minimum age to be eligible to carry a concealed weapon from 21 to 18 and AB-597, which allows people to carry firearms onto the grounds of a place of worship.

A Democratic amendment to AB-495 that would have required background checks for gun sales in the state failed on a 60-36 vote.

What possibly could go wrong?

Per a recent study, a lot of things:

California, Hawaii, New York and Massachusetts were all among the eight states with the tightest gun laws and the lowest rate of gun-related deaths. California came in the number one spot for restrictive gun laws, and Hawaii and Massachusetts reported the lowest number of gun deaths.

On the other end of the spectrum, the study listed 13 states as falling significantly below the national average on both gun deaths and restrictive gun laws. Louisiana, Missouri, Wyoming and Mississippi were rated as the states with the highest rate of deaths caused by gun violence. Mississippi was rated as the top state for both the weakest gun laws and the highest death rate.

It makes the NRA talking point that Republicans love to use of how people needs guns for personal protection rather obsolete.

It is also rather ironic that these so-called pro-life Republicans are the same ones that also want our children go to school in person regardless of the pandemic also want to give the kids guns. That way, if the virus doesn't get them, the mass shooters will.

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