Child Poverty Spiked After Joe Manchin Blocked Child Tax Credit

Multi-millionaire Manchin said it discouraged parents from working, and they would just buy drugs.

Child poverty shot up dramatically in January after the expiration of President Biden’s expanded child benefit, according to new research released on Thursday. Via the Washington Post:

The Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University said that the child poverty rate rose from 12 percent in December 2021 to 17 percent last month, an approximately 41 percent increase. The study found that an additional 3.7 million children are now in poverty relative to the end of December, with Black and Latino children seeing the biggest percentage point increases.

“The overall monthly child poverty rate rose sharply between December 2021 and January 2022,” the study found.


“Means testing, work requirements are all very, very important in these things. Some can pay, some can pay a little, some can’t pay at all, that is means testing. I cannot accept our economy, or basically our society, moving toward an entitlement mentality.” -- Joe Manchin


[...] With the expansion in effect, Democrats and the White House frequently touted the credit as achieving a dramatic victory over child poverty. Administration officials pointed to data showing a 24 percent drop in hunger for families connected to Biden’s tax credits, among a range of other improvements in the well-being of poor children.

The study found that child poverty is now at its highest since the end of 2020. THANKS, JOE!!!

Michael Tomasky wrote in the New Republic:

Joe Manchin’s net worth, according to the money-in-politics website Open Secrets, was $7.6 million in 2018, when he last sought reelection. Median household income this year in the state of West Virginia, according to the St. Louis Fed, is $51,615. That’s nearly $30,000 below the national average.

And this, in a nutshell, is American politics generally and the United States Senate particularly: a multimillionaire old white guy telling poor people that they just need to get off their asses and work and the government shouldn’t be helping them.

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