Fox Host Mad: Ukraine Knocks Fox Propaganda Off Front Page

Jesse Watters has on Stephen Miller (yeah) and they agree this dang war in Ukraine messes with their plans for the midterms!

The Fox chyron reads, "Dems going through identity crisis," while they are hosting baby cager Stephen Miller. Really.

And Jesse Watters is hella mad that due to an international crisis in Ukraine, no one, NO ONE, will be talking about the hysteria over "Critical Race Theory" that his network worked so hard to manufacture!

Will no one think of the right-wing propagandists? Putin was SUPPOSED to be their friend!

Transcript via Media Matters:

JESSE WATTERS (HOST): Do you think the Republicans have the discipline to pull that off? Because what you said is spot on. Are we going to get distracted and talk about Ukraine for 6 months or are we going to stay focused here?

STEPHEN MILLER (GUEST): That's what Joe Biden wants. It's clear, Joe Biden does not lean into many issues. Joe doesn't frankly lean into anything, except his ice cream sundaes. [He doesn't lean into war crimes like you do, Stephen! -- eds]. So, for him to do these repeated addresses on Ukraine, as bad as that whole situation is right now, tells you that his staff has determined that, of all of the available topics that he could have -- inflation, crime, record-breaking illegal immigration, the supply chain crisis, surging gas prices, critical race theory in our schools, mask mandates -- they decided the one subject they want to be talking about is Ukraine.

And so Republicans need to be careful here and not get dragged so far down into only talking about Ukraine that all of the issues Americans care about suddenly are wiped off the front pages of the newspaper.

WATTERS: You know, you're so right about that. And it's quicksand because you know how the news cycle moves, you'll hear Ukraine and then, once the bombs start dropping, you'll never hear about inflation, CRT, the open border, crime, anything.

Hey, maybe one of the several Fox hosts pushing Russian propaganda can call Putin and tell him he's messing up your plans for the midterms. You seem so damn chummy with the despot who decided to invade Ukraine.

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