Glenn Greenwald: Joe Rogan Apologized For N-word Because He's So Humble

Libertarian-leaning columnist Glenn Greenwald on Sunday defended podcaster Joe Rogan after he apologized for a video that shows him using the N-word over the course of many years.

Libertarian-leaning columnist Glenn Greenwald on Sunday defended podcaster Joe Rogan after he apologized for a video that shows him using the N-word over the course of many years.

During an appearance on Fox "News," Greenwald praised Rogan and said that the podcaster had apologized because he is a humble man, not because he had been pressured.

"There's not enough a willingness to apologize and admit error," Greenwald said of the mainstream media. "And one thing that Joe Rogan does so often, not just here when he's under fire, is when he gets things wrong, he goes right away and admits it in this very unflinching way."

"It seems as though he's apologizing because he's being pressured to but no one can pressure Joe Rogan to do anything," he continued. "He has this gigantic contract. He would have no trouble going anywhere else and getting a similar contract given the size of his audience."

Greenwald added: "He's doing it because he has this humility, which is a big part of why so many people trust him that I think a lot of people in journalism could actually learn from."

Despite the advice, we could not find an example of Greenwald apologizing in an "unflinching way" for making a mistake as a journalist.

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