Mike Lindell Explodes At Geraldo Rivera Over Fake 'Crack Pipe' Story

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell lashed out at Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera on Tuesday over a disagreement about crack pipes.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell lashed out at Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera on Tuesday over a disagreement about crack pipes.

Lindell, a former crack addict, spoke about false reports claiming the Biden administration is sending crack pipes to drug addicts.

The pillow executive said that he was angry with Rivera because the Fox News personality defended the distribution of safe smoking kits, which are aimed at reducing the health risks for addicts.

"He's got to have his head examined," Lindell told RSBN. "That guy, there's something wrong with him."

"It was the most stupid thing to come out of Geraldo's mouth in history," he continued, referring to a Fox News segment. "Can you believe these crack pipes they are going to give out to the addicts? And Geraldo goes, 'Well, you know, they're people too. Their lives matter too.'"

Lindell added: "You've got to be kidding me! Of course, their lives matter too, you idiot. I mean, this guy, where is his brain? This is our journalists nowadays. He's on there to talk about something. They should ban him from even being in this country, for talking that stupid!"

Lindell's appearance on RSBN was part of a stunt to send 10,000 pillows to Canadian truckers who are staging a blockade over vaccine mandates.

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