Ron Johnson Kicks Off Reelection Campaign With Lies

Ron Johnson's compulsive lying has already infested his campaign.

One would think that Ron Johnson would know better than use an old lie in his campaign that has been debunked for over a decade. One would be wrong.

RoJo went right back to the same dried up well with this tweet from his campaign account:

There's a couple of major glaring lies in that short tweet.

First, the old fool never started his own company. He came into his money by marrying the daughter of a millionaire, who ended up hiring his deadbeat son-in-law to work at the company:

PACUR was actually a spin-off company of another plastics company called Curwood, which was co-founded by Howard Curler (Ron Johnson's father-in-law) in 1958.

Howard Curler was a giant in the plastics industry. In the late 1960s, he led a merger with the huge multinational corporation, the Bemis Company, but stayed on as president of Curwood. From 1978 to the early 1990s, Howard Curler would be CEO of Bemis. (Today, Howard Curler's son, Jeffrey Curler is president and CEO of the Bemis Company.)

Howard Curler's other son, Pat Curler, headed-up the spin-off company, which started in 1977 and was named PACUR, as a shortening of Pat Curler's name. For many years PACUR's only "client" was "selling" plastic products to parent company, Curwood.

In 1979, when Ron Johnson was 24, he accepted an offer to join his wife's family's plastic business, moved to Wisconsin, and worked in the PACUR company under his brother-in-law, Pat Curler.

Once RoJo proved himself to be at least as useful as the red Streamline stapler on his desk, he was allowed to move up in the company.

Note to RoJo: Nepotism is not the same as entrepreneurship.

And as for the "dysfunction of Washington" affecting his neighbors, well, the only way that this could hold even a smidgeon of the truth would be that they had to do without while he raked in the benefits:

RoJo apparently learned his hatred of government when he got a low interest government loan of $2.5 million. (Maybe he got upset when he had to pay it back.) The poor suffering man also had to endure getting a railroad line built up to his factory, thanks to a HUD grant.

And showing that he is a typical Republican hypocrite, RoJo has some of his employees on the state-subsidized BadgerCare. Yet other employees are actually prison inmates who work for serf wages and have health care provided by the state.

Yes, Rojo has really suffered at the hands of the government.

It's really beyond time that RoJo stops trying to beat that dead horse. Sadly, the corporate media hasn't reported on it yet and I see no reason for them to start doing so anytime soon.

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