Ron Johnson Praises Doctor Who Wants Biden, Harris, Fauci And More Executed

Sen. Ron Johnson showcased a colleague of Dr. Stella “Demon Sperm” Immanuel at a panel discussion last month. But instead of alien DNA, this guy talks about executing Americans.

Media Matters has the scoop:

On January 24, Johnson convened a group of conspiracy theorists at the Russell Senate Office Building for a panel discussion that the senator branded as “COVID-19: A Second Opinion.” Johnson’s invitees included advocates for disproven treatments for COVID-19 as well as spreaders of falsehoods about vaccines and other dangerous medical misinformation.

That’s pretty disturbing behavior by a United States senator, though not surprising coming from a guy like RoJo who, as Media Matters noted, has pushed various quack cures and treatments for COVID-19 while fear mongering about the vaccine.

But cozying up to Dr. Ben Marble is a whole ‘nother level of right-wing radicalism. According to Media Matters, Marble is reportedly a member of America’s Frontline Doctors, the group that includes Dr. Demon Sperm Immanuel among its members.

Although Marble was not a panelist, Johnson called on him and urged him to promote his website which, Marble boasted to the assemblage, delivers early treatment protocols to COVID patients, with a 99.99% survival rate. But Johnson either couldn’t be bothered to check Marble’s claims or was willing to let him grossly distort what his site does. A check by Media Matters revealed that the site states clearly that it does not provide any medical services. It apparently connects people to volunteer doctors.

Not surprisingly, some of the treatments Marble endorsed were ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. He got a stamp of approval from one of the panelists, Dr. Pierre Kory – an ivermectin evangelist who took the horse deworming drug, got COVID anyway and then doubled down on his support for it.

Monday, Marble was interviewed on The Alex Jones Show. After calling the pandemic a “bioterror weapon,” Marble let his murderous bloodlust fly:

MARBLE: The root cause you know, the globalists at Davos - their biggest weapon is political correctness. Political correctness is how all this has happened and it’s the great big charade. …

So, I would say going forward, you know in 1946 they made it illegal to be a Nazi in Germany. Well, when this war is over, political correctness needs to be banned globally, or at least in America because I'm tired of this crap. … You know, a lot of people don't realize it, but George Soros is a literal Nazi, and he's on many occasions stated his taking down America was his life goal and he's doing a great job of it. Why he's still alive. I don't know.

If I was president, he would be the first person I would take out along with Klaus Schwab. Bill Gates and Fauci and a few others. Those people minimum, they need to be arrested and on trial. I would -you know I'm a doctor. I've sworn an oath to protect life, so I'm not going to take anybody's life. But you know the job of soldiers during war is to arrest and/or kill the enemy. Well, first you have to know who the enemy is, and I'm clearly stating who the enemy is the enemy is. The enemy is Nazi Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates of Hell, George Sore-ass, Dr. Death Fauci, Dementia Joe, Kamala Whore-is.

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