Plow Driver Under Investigation After Blasting Snow Onto Orthodox Jews

Two orthodox Jewish men in Lakewood, New Jersey, say a snowplow driver purposefully hit them with snow and a video from inside the vehicle captured the whole thing.

According to reports, the driver has now been suspended. Probably posting the video to Facebook with the caption "This one's for you JC🤣🤣 " was not the best idea. Police are now looking into the incident as a possible hate crime.

Source: Vinnews.com

Two Lakewood men were the target of an anti-semitic attack while minding their own business and walking to Shul on Shabbos.

Video footage shows men driving a snow plow on a Lakewood street, while two Jewish men are walking ahead of them on the street. As the drivers pass by the men, they intentionally lower the plow, causing the men to be accosted with a storm of snow and ice.

The men then laugh diabolically and drive away.

The men in the vehicle were allegedly Donny Klarmann and Brandon Ebbs. The footage was originally uploaded to Facebook by Klarmann himself. Klarmann’s Facebook page identifies him as an employee of Waste Management, which would be the reason for him driving a snowplow. Ebbs’ employment status is unknown.

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